Club News

Welcome to the Club! Most nonprofit leaders lay awake at night trying to figure out how to do all the things in the first year of operation. They don’t know where to start. Nonprofit Founder’s Club™ was established to help you navigate the first year. (And maybe a little beyond). The club is a variety of ways to build your infrastructure that also builds your ability to fundraise. Club News™ is the free content and how to get involved part of Nonprofit Founder’s Club.

What’s Happening?

     Find the announcements and calendar of events here.

Club Meetings

Welcome to the Club! You will find free content, training, and other items here.

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Being Grant Ready Through the Eyes of a Funder

Being Grant Ready Through the Eyes of a Funder

My philosophy- I look at everything through donor and Foundation perspectives. So everything I design has the nonprofit in mind but approaches the task from donor and Foundation perspectives. In this post, I look through the eyes of a grant funder and share what makes you a good investment.

I Have a 501(c)3! Now What?!?

My #1 most asked question by Founders goes like this: I have my 501(c)3! Now what? Founders have jumped through all the hoops of getting the idea in their head to an idea on paper but how do you get it from paper to reality? Most Founders I talk to have never worked...

Use The Build a Successful Nonprofit Framework for a Funded Nonprofit

The Build a Successful Nonprofit Framework helps Founders put together the pieces that create a successful nonprofit- one that covers costs and builds infrastructure.

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