Grant Ready, Grants, Know Your Strategy, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Grants are a big subject for nonprofits. They are touted as free and easy money by some but what exactly are they and how do we make the most of grant money? We’re tackling this topic in this installment of What Is…? Definition Grants are money given by Foundations,...
Grant Ready, Know Your Plan, Pillar 1: Infrastructure, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 4: Create your Signature Program on paper with a budget, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
You got into nonprofit work to not just do something about a problem but to solve it. Programs are how you do something about a problem and they serve as your proof of concept. Developing a program is crucial to your organization’s prosperity. Programs allow you...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
A Fundraising Plan is a roadmap to get from where you are now to where you want to be this time next year. There are a lot of fundraising plans out there but they are all cumbersome for a small nonprofit. These plans require a lot of work, are complicated and, really,...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
If you’ve read my book I HAVE MY 501(C)3! NOW WHAT?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder you know that the entire plan costs $881.40. I get asked often how to pay for the plan. Board members are the source of funds. But what if you...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Many nonprofit Founders find fundraising confusing, hard, and quite honestly there is so much else to do that fundraising takes a backseat until it can’t be ignored. When they finally get serious about fundraising they find they have fallen into a fundraising...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Fundraising is hard. It’s even harder when you hold onto beliefs that don’t serve you. I know. I’ve been there. I’ve had beliefs about donors and asking for donations that held me back from raising money. The thing is- our beliefs...